
[音乐] 爱情的最后——someone like you


爱情的最后——someone like you

someone like you


i heard that you're settled down
that you found a girl and you're married now
i heard that your dreams came true
guess she gave you things i didn't give to you
old friend, why are you so shy?
ain't like you to hold back
or hide from the light
i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
but i couldn't stay away, i couldn't fight it
i had hoped you'd see my face
and that you'd be reminded that for me
it isn't over
never mind, i'll find someone like you
i wish nothing but the best for you, too
don't forget me, i beg
i remember you said
"sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead"
sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah
you know how the time flies
only yesterday was the time of our lives
we were born and raised in a summer haze
bound by the surprise of our glory days
i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
but i couldn't stay away, i couldn't fight it
i had hoped you'd see my face
and that you'd be reminded that for me
it isn't over
never mind, i'll find someone like you
i wish nothing but the best for you, too
don't forget me, i beg
i remember you said
"sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead"
nothing compares
no worries or cares
regrets and mistakes, they're memories made
who would have known how bittersweet
this would taste?
nevermind, i'll find someone like you
i wish nothing but the best for you
don't forget me, i beg
i remember you said
"sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead"
nevermind, i'll find someone like you
i wish nothing but the best for you, too
don't forget me, i beg
i remember you said
"sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead"
sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah




              唯有再次祝福她,希望她幸福。希望自己能找到 "someone like you“。



[ 本帖最后由 xuda7320580 于 2011-6-5 12:54 编辑 ]
  • xmyccm 金币 +12 1 2011-6-5 14:01


Adele(阿黛勒) 生于1988年5月5日 ,是英国独立歌手。 阿黛勒描述她的音乐风格为“伤心的灵魂。 ” 她是第一个英国音乐奖影评人评选出来的音乐人。曾获得第51届格莱美年度最佳新人,最佳流行女歌手奖等荣誉。
     Adele出生於英国伦敦的托特纳姆,她自小的背景,依然不外乎深受诸多音乐伟人的熏陶,诸如爵士天後Ella Fitzgerald、布鲁斯天後Etta James、民谣天後Suzanne Vega和R&B天後Jill Scott等等。但和她的许多同辈歌手一样,Adele也依然难逃温室的命运,虽然亦有毕业於艺术名校Brit Scholl这样显赫的履历,但与她的许多前辈歌手相比,也正是这种学院化的正常生活,让她的音乐无法因为不正常的经历,造就出一种自然、自由且独特的风格,其所能做的,亦只能是在技术修饰和融合的角度,将音乐做得更为完美。  Adele
Adele的首张大碟《19》,拥有一个很简单质朴的名字,19正是她在录制这张专辑时(2007)的年龄,而整张专辑也围绕著19岁情爱的这个主题尽情发挥。整张大碟几乎是近五六年来欧美乐坛新一代女歌手曲风的大杂烩。首打单曲《Daydreams》,用空心吉它叙述一段伤心的情爱往事,静就如Keren Ann般恬淡,动却又如Joss Stone般灵中带邪;爵士即兴的《Best For Last》则又让我在恍惚中想起Angela McCluskey这位被人忽略的女歌手,尤其是鼻音处那种乾燥的磁性声线,更是如出一辙。当然,也可以说与刚初道时的Joss Stone亦有许多神似的共通之处,一个17一个19,却能再造出上世纪五、六十年代的声线,这是天赋,也是一种风尚潜移默化成传统之後的功绩;与Lily Allen合作的《Cold Shoulder》,在迷离电音的驱动下,亦非常好的展现出Adele对Funk音乐良好的控制力,其用电音加福音融合的方式来演绎,更让这种原本强调外功的激情音乐,也变得很暧昧起来;音乐盒音效贯穿全曲的《First Love》,又好像是Jill Scott的晨练曲,将Indie之清新与Soul之华丽融为一炉,你中有我、我中有你;翻唱Bob Dylan的《Make You Feel My Love》,则用Elton John式的钢琴,将Bob Dylan原本的乡土气息荡涤乾静;《Hometown Glory》里同样挤满了Sia的神韵,那种如涟漪般环绕的旋律神韵。

这样的小女生能用这样的天籁之音真是难得啊! 心灵的净化! 耐听!




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